Flower Delivery Melbourne

Celebrate that special occasion and make it even more unforgettable with a gorgeous fresh flower arrangement delivered by French Blue Flowers.


Whether it’s anniversary flowers, birthday flowers, wedding flowers, sympathy flowers, roses, lilies, the exciting arrival of a newborn or ‘just because’, our talented Melbourne florists can help you to design a beautiful gift just for you.


French Blue Flowers offers same day Melbourne flower delivery. Shop for flowers now or by phone at our Melbourne florist store. We deliver to Melbourne CBD and to most Melbourne suburbs. If you are looking for the best florist in Melbourne, French Blue Flowers is your go to online florist for flower deliveries across Melbourne.

Same Day Melbourne Flowers Delivered

Delivery of flowers and gifts for all occasions

When words seem inadequate, flowers seem to have a way to fill in those gaps eloquently. Our qualified and experienced Melbourne florists are ready to assist you in making the right choice to suit all your requirements for a Melbourne flower delivery. Whatever you have in mind, we can create it for you. If you can’t see it on our online catalogue, please contact us to create a beautiful bespoke flower arrangement.


Fresh. Beautiful. Premium. That’s our guarantee when you choose to have flowers delivered from French Blue Flowers. Our relationships with Melbourne’s best flower wholesalers, growers and importers means we can source the best quality and variety of fresh blooms and foliage for you. Whether you’re looking for a bridal bouquet for your special day, you want to decorate your office space with an en masse combination of the latest seasonal flowers, we can accommodate to your needs. Saying get well, happy anniversary, sorry, I love you, condolences, happy birthday or welcome to the world is easy with French Blue Flowers.

Melbourne Florist – Seasonal flowers delivered for you

With our same day flowers delivered across Melbourne, you can count on us when you need a last minute gift. Order before 1pm and we’ll have it on the doorstep by the end of the day. We deliver to most Melbourne suburbs and to Melbourne CBD from our Heidelberg store.


No matter what the occasion, you can count on us to create beautiful and elegant floral designs that are skillfully designed by the best florists in Melbourne. Call French Blue Flowers on 9459 7657 for assistance or order online today. Whether you need flowers for a special occasion or just to brighten someone’s day, French Blue Flowers is your go to Melbourne ‘florist near me’ for all occasions, including birthday flowers, wedding flowers, thank you flowers, get well flowers, roses, lilies and sympathy flowers. We are also currently taking consultations for weddings and events.


At French Blue Flowers, we prioritise freshness and quality, personally choosing the best flowers and foliage at the market for each order. Our caring and experienced florists will guide and support you throughout your purchase to ensure the best possible experience. Our service is seamless from ordering to delivery, with our staff personally delivering flowers from our Heidelberg florist store to suburbs across Melbourne, ensuring they arrive in perfect condition and on time. That’s why we are Melbourne’s best florist!