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Desire Valentine’s Day bouquet

Suprise her with a beautiful modern Valentine’s Day inspired bouquet.  Featuring red and hot pink reflexed roses and dark and moody complimentary blooms and foliage’s this bouquet screams I’m into you!!!

Let our florists choose from a selection of fresh vibrant blooms and complementary secondary flowers and foliage’s sourced direct from the farm and early morning Melbourne markets. Images provided are indicative of the style and arrangement design.   These bold florists choice bouquets have longer stems and are forward facing.

Add a vase if desired.

Standard size shown

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SKU: 0EA46E-2-1-1-2 Categories: , Tags: ,

Suprise her with a beautiful modern Valentine’s Day inspired bouquet.  Featuring red and hot pink reflexed roses and dark and moody complimentary blooms and foliage’s this bouquet screams I’m into you!!!

Let our florists choose from a selection of fresh vibrant blooms and complementary secondary flowers and foliages sourced direct from the farm and early morning Melbourne markets. Images provided are indicative of the style and arrangement design.   These bold florists choice bouquets have longer stems and are forward facing.

Add a vase if desired.

Standard size shown

Additional Information

Petite, Standard, Large, XLarge, Bigger, Opulent