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Summer blooms florists choice


Our summer blooms bouquet will feature a lovely tonal combination of beautiful summer blooms such as roses, dahila, lily, zinnia, cosmos, lisianthus, chrysanthemum, matricaria, sweet william and delphinium.

These stunning bouquets are the perfect way to share the beauty of seasonal summer time flowers and foliages. The bold, vibrant blooms mixed with pastels are hand-picked at market and arranged by our expert florists to create a truly beautiful display. Whether you’re surprising a loved one or simply treating yourself, this bouquet will add a touch of freshness, colour and fragrance to any room. . With its long lasting freshness, it is sure to convey your emotions.

Order now and make somebody’s day unforgettable!


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Our summer blooms bouquet will feature a lovely tonal combination of beautiful summer blooms such as roses, dahila, lily, zinnia, cosmos, lisianthus, chrysanthemum, matricaria, sweet william and delphinium.

These stunning bouquets are the perfect way to share the beauty of seasonal summer time flowers and foliages. The bold, vibrant blooms mixed with pastels are hand-picked at market and arranged by our expert florists to create a truly beautiful display. Whether you’re surprising a loved one or simply treating yourself, this bouquet will add a touch of freshness, colour and fragrance to any room. . With its long lasting freshness, it is sure to convey your emotions.

Order now and make somebody’s day unforgettable!


Large size shown


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